The Remarkable Epidaurus Theater 3 scaled

The Remarkable and Ancient Epidaurus Theater

The Remarkable and Ancient Epidaurus Theater – For many peoples, the main reason to visit the Archaeological Site of the Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus is the Epidaurus Theater. The Epidaurus Theater is the best-preserved monument in the Sanctuary of Asklepios. Video of the Epidaurus Theater Before continuing to read this post, watch the following

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Verbania Italy lake maggiore

Verbania Italy Lake Maggiore. Pallanza 1 adorable town!

Verbania Italy – Verbania is a beautiful town on the Lake Maggiore. It’s part of the cities of the Gulf Borromean where there are the 3 famous Borromean Islands: Isola Bella, Isola Madre and Isola Pescatori. Verbania Pallanza Verbania Italy – Verbania is a city formed by smaller towns that a time where independent: Pallanza,

Verbania Italy Lake Maggiore. Pallanza 1 adorable town! Read More »

montmatre paris artists scaled

What is Montmartre Paris famous for? 3 things you should’t miss!

Montmartre Paris – In the Northern part of Paris there’s the famous neighborhood of Montmartre, also known as the the painter’s neighborhood. Montmartre enjoys considerable fame thanks to the illustrious artists who lived here such as Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso. You should dedicate half a day to Montmartre Paris in order to enjoy the

What is Montmartre Paris famous for? 3 things you should’t miss! Read More »

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