Verbania Italy – Verbania is a beautiful town on the Lake Maggiore. It’s part of the cities of the Gulf Borromean where there are the 3 famous Borromean Islands: Isola Bella, Isola Madre and Isola Pescatori.
Verbania Pallanza
Verbania Italy – Verbania is a city formed by smaller towns that a time where independent: Pallanza, Intra, Suna, Trobaso. In this post we are going to speak about Pallanza.
Verbania Pallanza is located in front of Stresa Italy and very close to the Isola Madre. The others 2 islands Isola bella and Isola Pescatori are instead closer to Stresa. From Verbania you can anyway take the boat and do a beautiful tour on the lake visiting alla these islands and also Stresa.

Verbania Pallanza isn’t as luxurios as Stresa but it has a few positive aspect compared to this other town. For example Verbania has a privileged position on the Lake Maggiore. The sun goes down in front of Verbania Pallanza. In this way Verbania Pallanza has more sun hours than Stresa. This is true as in the morning as in the evening. In fact especially in winter Stresa has very few hours of sun. In the morning is very cold and the afternoon is very short.
Because the sun goes down in front of Verbania Pallanza, behind the mountains on the Stresa’s side, in Verbania you can enjoy of the view of beautiful sunsets.
In the evening there is something special! Stresa is famous for its big hotels. All these hotels in the evening are illuminated and from Pallanza you can see all these beautiful lights.

Verbania Intra
Do you want to see also Verbania Intra? Go to the following page: Verbania Intra.
Video Verbania Italy in Winter
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Video Verbania Italy in Summer
Here you can see something more about Pallanza.
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