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Spanish traditional and original recipe to make paella

Spanish traditional and original recipe to make paella

Are you looking for an Authentic Spanish Recipe to make Paella? Or would you like some tips and to know some curiosity about this dish? We really understand your desire. It’s not for nothing that paella is a beloved and iconic dish from Spain that has captivated taste buds worldwide. In this blog post, we will explore a traditional and original Spanish recipe to make paella that will transport you to the sunny shores of Valencia. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a culinary enthusiast looking to expand your repertoire, this recipe will guide you through the steps to create an authentic paella that bursts with flavors and delights the senses. So, grab your ingredients and let’s dive into the art of crafting this timeless Spanish delicacy.

Curiosity about Paella

Do you want to know some curiosity about Paella and its origin? Then, you are in the right place! Read the following paragraphs and you’ll impress your family and friends with what you know about this amazing spanish food.

Paella Origins

What is the history of paella? What are the origins of paella? Paella, a beloved dish hailing from Spain, has a rich and intriguing history. Its origins can be traced back to the Valencia region, where it was initially developed as a humble peasant’s meal. The dish takes its name from the pan it is cooked in, known as “paellera”. Over time, paella evolved and incorporated various ingredients, including rice, saffron, vegetables, and meat. The Moorish influence on Spanish cuisine greatly impacted the development of paella, particularly the introduction of rice. Today, paella has become a symbol of Spanish culinary tradition, enjoyed by people around the world for its delightful flavors and cultural significance.

What is the origin of the name Paella?

The name “Paella” originates from the Valencian word “paelle,” which refers to the shallow, wide pan traditionally used to cook this famous Spanish dish. The term “Paella” itself emerged as a descriptor for the dish cooked in this pan, which typically includes rice, saffron, and a variety of ingredients such as meat, seafood, and vegetables. Thus, the name “Paella” directly reflects the cooking vessel and has become synonymous with this flavorful and iconic Spanish dish.

What are the best things to see and do in Spain?

As usual, we want to know more about where our dish comes from. So what are the best things to see and do in Spain? Spain offers a plethora of remarkable experiences for visitors to indulge in. The country’s rich history and diverse culture make it an ideal destination for exploration. Begin your journey by immersing yourself in the vibrant streets of Barcelona, where you can marvel at the architectural wonders of Antoni Gaudí or take a leisurely stroll along the enchanting Las Ramblas.

For a taste of true Spanish culture, head to Madrid, the country’s capital, and revel in its world-class museums, such as the Prado Museum and the Reina Sofia Museum. To unwind, the sun-kissed beaches of Costa del Sol beckon, offering relaxation and picturesque coastal views. Finally, no visit to Spain is complete without visiting the iconic Alhambra Palace in Granada, a testament to the country’s stunning Moorish heritage. Spain truly offers a diverse array of attractions that will captivate any traveler.

Is Paella the only typical Spanish food? If not, what are the other typical Spanish dishes?

No, Paella is not the only typical Spanish food. Spain is known for its diverse and rich culinary traditions, offering a wide variety of traditional dishes. Some other typical Spanish dishes include Gazpacho, a refreshing cold tomato soup; Tortilla Española, a hearty potato and egg omelette; Jamón Ibérico, a cured ham; Patatas Bravas, fried potatoes served with a spicy tomato sauce; and Gambas al Ajillo, garlic shrimp. These dishes showcase the unique flavors and ingredients that are synonymous with Spanish cuisine.

Faqs about Paella

Here are some answers and questions about paella and its preparation.

What is the traditional recipe to make paella?

The traditional recipe to make paella typically includes ingredients such as rice, saffron, olive oil, chicken or rabbit, vegetables (like tomatoes, bell peppers, and peas), and sometimes seafood (like shrimp, mussels, or squid).

How do I choose the best ingredients for my paella?

When choosing ingredients for your paella, opt for high-quality short-grain rice, Spanish saffron for authentic flavor, fresh and locally sourced vegetables, and if using seafood, ensure it is fresh and sustainable.

What do I need to know about paella before attempting to make it?

Paella is a traditional Spanish dish originating from the Valencia region. It is typically cooked in a wide, shallow pan known as a “paellera” and is meant to be a communal, flavorful meal shared with family and friends.

How can I recognize an authentic Spanish paella recipe?

An authentic Spanish paella recipe will often use traditional ingredients like saffron and short-grain rice, and may include proteins like chicken, rabbit, or seafood. Additionally, it should follow the cooking techniques and flavor profiles unique to paella.

Could you provide a step-by-step recipe to make paella?

Heat olive oil in a paellera and cook proteins (chicken, rabbit, or seafood) until browned. Add diced vegetables and sauté. Stir in rice and saffron, then pour in broth and let simmer until rice is cooked. Allow the paella to rest, uncovered, for a few minutes before serving.

What are some variations or regional adaptations of paella?

Paella has various regional adaptations in Spain, such as Valencian paella (with rabbit and chicken), seafood paella (with shrimp, mussels, and squid), and mixed paella (a combination of meat and seafood). Each variation has its own unique flavors and ingredients.

Are there any specific tips to achieve a perfect paella?

To achieve a perfect paella, avoid stirring the rice once it is added to the pan, as it helps create the desirable crispy bottom layer known as “socarrat.” Additionally, maintaining the right heat and allowing the paella to rest before serving are crucial.

Can paella be made vegetarian or vegan?

Yes, paella can be adapted to a vegetarian or vegan diet by omitting meat and seafood and incorporating a variety of vegetables, such as artichokes, asparagus, and beans. Vegetable broth can be used instead of meat-based broth for flavor.

Is paella gluten-free?

Paella can be gluten-free if made with gluten-free rice and using gluten-free broth and spices. It is essential to check the labels of pre-packaged ingredients to ensure they are gluten-free or use fresh, unprocessed ingredients.

What are the recommended cooking times for paella?

Cooking times may vary depending on the recipe and the heat source. However, on average, paella usually takes around 20-30 minutes of preparation and 30-40 minutes of cooking time. Monitoring the rice and adjusting cooking times to achieve the desired texture is important.


  • 500 gr Bomb rice (17.6oz)
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 1/2 green pepper
  • Parsley as needed
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • 2 liters water
  • Saffron or specific spices for paella
  • 300 g of monkfish (monkfish), (10.5 oz)
  • 250 g mussels. (8.8 oz)
  • 150 g calamari rings (5 oz)
  • 150 g prawns (5 oz)
  • 150 g cicadas (5 oz)
  • 3 ñoras (special dry pepper that comes from Spain and you can easily find online or in specialized shops
  • 1 tablespoon pepper
  • 3 ripe tomatoes


  1. Gather all the necessary ingredients.
  2. Thoroughly clean the mussels, being careful not to damage them.
  3. Heat a dry container and cook the mussels until they open. Set them aside.
  4. Use the mussel water to make a broth for cooking the monkfish briefly.
  5. Set the fish aside and keep the hot broth for later use in cooking the rice.
  6. Finely chop the onion and garlic, then sauté them in a pan.
  7. Slice the peppers into thin strips.
  8. Add the calamari and cook it briefly.
  9. You’ll notice some liquid forming, which is normal. At this point, add the chopped tomato.
  10. Allow it to cook until it reduces slightly.
  11. In a separate preparation, make a sauce with the ñoras: sauté them with the spices, pepper, and a clove of garlic. Chop everything finely.
  12. Combine the rice with the vegetables in the pan. Incorporate the separately prepared sautéed spices and all of the ñoras sauce.
  13. Pour the hot fish broth into the mixture.
  14. Introduce cicadas and prawns, cook over high heat for 5 minutes, then reduce to low heat for 15 minutes. The ingredients will become flavorful.
  15. Finally, include the chopped monkfish and garnish with mussels.
  16. Continue cooking the paella until the broth evaporates and the rice is properly cooked.
  17. Turn off the heat and allow it to rest for 5 minutes before serving.
  18. Your paella is now ready to be enjoyed.

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