Yes, you can tour Pompeii on your own without a guided tour. You can enter in Pompeii and walk in the old city without a guide. Infact your ticket entry doesen’t includes a guided tour. It’s someting you can buy separately.
How can you tour Pompeii on your own without a tour?
You should use other self guides in order to know what you are visiting and plan well your self tour.
Pompeii Tour Blink App
You can tour Pompeii on your own and see the ruins but I recommend you to use an electronic guide. For example you can use the app “Tour Blink”. This app is very usefull because contains many tours and it is also in English.
In this app you can chose the tour you prefer according also to the time you can spend in Pompeii. Otherwise you can simply search in the app more information for those momuments you’d like to know better. Some areas of this app are free but others you should buy for a couple euros.
This is a good method to tour Pompeii on your own without missing important information that can give more meaning to your visit.
Pompeii Touch App
There is another app that I especially used in Pompeii: Pompeii Touch. This app is in Italian and English. In this app there are many interesting images that show you the before and after. You can chose the basilica, the backery, the forum and many other insteresting places.

After selecting your choice you can see how it is now and how it looked like when people lived here.
In this app there is also a map of Pompeii. A map is very useful in Pompeii because the archeological area is very extended.
The official web site
A map allows you to see in advance what areas you want to visit and if you get lost you can easily get your way around. You can find a map also in the official Pompeii website:
If you don’t like use apps you can find in the same page 3 paths you can follow.

Path 1 takes 2 hours, path 2 3 hours and path 3 5 hours. If you have a limited time try to manage well your time. Don’t spend too much time on the first few buildings in order to not miss other beautiful areas.
Summary: you can tour Pompeii on your own without a tour but try to know more about what you are visiting and plan well your visit.
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