
Why is the Parthenon so special scaled

Why is the Parthenon important, special and famous? 3 reasons

Why is the Parthenon important, special and famous? The Parthenon is so special for 3 main reasons: what it symbolized how it was built the many fine works of Art What the Partheon symbolized Why is the Parthenon important, special and famous? The Parthenon is so special because first of all is the symbol of […]

Why is the Parthenon important, special and famous? 3 reasons Read More »

Monastiraki athens tripilare scaled

Monastiraki Athens: history, food and shopping

Monastiraki is one of the most characteristics areas in Athens. Athens is an European city but for more than one aspect it doesn’t look as all the other european cities. The first time you visit Monastiraki you may wonder if you are in the right country or maybe you are in north africa or in

Monastiraki Athens: history, food and shopping Read More »

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