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Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make

1 Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make?

How do you make salsa from scratch using fresh tomatoes? Welcome to this post where you’ll learn about fresh tomato sauce how To Make Your Own Delicious Salsa At Home With This Easy Recipe!

Are you looking for a delicious and easy way to make your own homemade salsa? Look no further! This post is an informative and step-by-step tutorial that will guide you through the process of making the perfect tomato-based salsa that will make your taste buds dance. Learn about the ingredients required, the supplies needed, and the tricks to making the best salsa. With this post, you can whip up a delicious salsa in no time!

Your homemade salsa will be the talk of the town, and you’ll have all the tools to make it! Not only will you learn how to make salsa, but you’ll know the tips and tricks to impress your family and friends with homemade, delicious salsa every time.

Don’t wait any longer to experience the homemade salsa you’ve dreamed of.

How often have you read in recipes: “add tomato sauce”? And perhaps you also found a nice photo where you saw a red and dense pulp, sometimes with small dots of dark green color.

We are all used to going to the store or supermarket to buy this delicious sauce packaged in small jars or glass bottles with labels of many colors. We are also used to keeping it in our pantries because it allows us to prepare delicious dishes. It is a truly versatile ingredient and, sometimes, indispensable for our recipes. Why don’t we prepare it together instead of buying a ready-made Tomato Sauce?

Homemade Tomato Sauce: an Italian family tradition

The Italian tradition, especially in families in central and southern Italy, is that they dedicate whole days to preparing this delicious tomato sauce at home every summer. You buy crates and crates of ripe tomatoes and, involving the whole family. You start the “process” of transforming the tomato until you prepare many jars, sterilize them, and store them in the pantry as a stock for almost the whole winter.

1 Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make

It is a moment not only of work but also of family conviviality that is transformed, year after year, into a tradition, an appointment in which family or friendship bonds are strengthened, an appointment where even the little ones can contribute both to work and to make the whole day fun and relaxing.

The tomato, from an ornamental plant to an indispensable ingredient in our kitchens

By now we all know that the tomato comes from distant lands, precisely from Peru and from the regions adjacent to the Andes chain. It is assumed that Christopher Columbus brought the first tomato plants to Europe, who had certainly appreciated them for the nutritional value of the fruit. It was originally planted in gardens as an ornamental plant. Some English doctors discovered the properties of tomatoes, a useful blood purifier and, given their low calories, an excellent ally for those who wanted to lose weight.

In the wild, the tomato is the size of cherries; it was the natives of Peru and Mexico through successive grafts to bring it to its current size, calling it “Tomatl” from the verb “tomata” which means round and swollen thing. Not for nothing in the Anglo-Saxon languages the tomato is called “Tomato” in English, “Tomate” in German, having preserved the same Peruvian root.

FAQ tomato and tomato sauce how to make?

Here is our Q&A session to learn useful things to know about tomato sauce and its main ingredient.

What is the difference between tomato sauce and tomato puree?

In fact, the exact wording would be tomato puree. Sauce indicates a preparation seasoned with other ingredients. Commonly in Italy, we also call tomato puree sauce, when we always refer to the boiled and then sifted tomato pulp, with the sole addition of basil and salt.

What is the name of the tomato to make the sauce?

There are many varieties of tomatoes on the market and with the strangest names: Pachino, Ciliegino, Cuore di Bue, but the most famous and perhaps the most used is the San Marzano, with a long and oval shape and rich in pulp, therefore, one of the most suitable for preparing a very tasty tomato sauce.

What are the tomatoes to make the sauce?

There are many varieties of tomatoes on the market and with the strangest names: Pachino, Ciliegino, Cuore di Bue, but the most famous and perhaps the most used is the San Marzano, with a long and oval shape and rich in pulp, therefore, one of the most suitable for preparing a very tasty tomato sauce.

What tomatoes should be used for a good puree?

There are many varieties of tomatoes on the market and with the strangest names: Pachino, Ciliegino, Cuore di Bue, but the most famous and perhaps the most used is the San Marzano, with a long and oval shape and rich in pulp, therefore, one of the most suitable for preparing a very tasty tomato sauce.

If the tomatoes have stains or imperfections what should I do?

It may happen that in the quantity of tomatoes you buy, some have small stains or imperfections. You can simply remove them while cutting them into pieces to prevent the sauce from contaminating.

Ketchup or tomato sauce?

Ketchup is one of the best-known sauces in the world. Even the little ones know it and appreciate it, especially with fried foods or a good hamburger. The tomato sauce that is indicated in the recipes is not Ketchup but a puree of pure tomato pulp with few ingredients. Ketchup is a different preparation with the addition of various vegetables and condiments, such as sugar or vinegar, necessary to give it that flavor that makes it so special.

Cooked or raw tomato sauce?

In fact, you can prepare a good raw tomato sauce, just blanch the tomatoes to remove the skin, pass them raw to remove the seeds, add finely chopped basil and extra virgin olive oil. You can pour it directly on the pasta. However, raw sauce requires a different process for long-term storage.

Tomato sauce, how much should it cook?

At the beginning, you have to cook until the skins resurface, then you will have to pass with the vegetable mill. At this point put it back on the heat and boil until it thickens, turning occasionally with a ladle. To understand if the cooking has reached the right point, put a little sauce on a saucer: if the sauce remains intact and does not seem liquid, it means that it is at the right point, you can turn off the heat and start potting.

How to store tomato sauce?

The best way to preserve tomato sauce is to use glass jars and then pasteurize the jars. I’ll explain the process later. Keep in mind that with this method you can keep the jars for a few months, just store them in the pantry and keep them in the dark.

What jars to use to store tomato sauce?

It is always good to use airtight jars with the rubber lid that will be changed every year or as soon as it wears a little. You can also use bottles if you want, beer perhaps, but you will have to equip yourself with all the equipment to put new caps. These must also be pasteurized in exactly the same way.

Here I leave you our Amazon-sponsored link where you can buy the jars for the sauce it. #ad

What does tomato sauce contain?

A good and genuine tomato sauce has few ingredients, only tomatoes with a nice pulp, salt, and basil; some add a pinch of sugar to correct the acidity of the tomato.

How long does homemade tomato puree last?

The duration of the puree depends on how you decide to store it. If you put it in the refrigerator in a container with a lid, you must use it within two days. If you prepare jars and pasteurize them, a vacuum will be created. You can then store them in a closed and dark environment for a few months, checking now and then that the capsule is still well sealed.

What is sugar in tomato sauce used for?

Some add sugar while preparing the sauce to correct the acidity of the tomato.

Why should tomato puree be cooked?

By cooking the tomato sauce, the excess water evaporates, and therefore the sauce will be thick, excellent both for using to season pasta, adding some good extra virgin olive oil, or for being jarred and stored in jars.

How do you remove the acidity of the tomato?

The acidity of the tomato can be removed by adding a pinch of sugar.

When is tomato puree made?

The best season to produce a good tomato sauce is summer, when the tomatoes reach perfect ripeness thanks to the hot sun.

Tomato sauce how long does it last in the fridge?

Unsealed tomato sauce in the refrigerator only lasts a couple of days, but you must put it in a container with its own lid.

How long does homemade tomato puree last in the fridge?

Homemade tomato puree lasts a couple of days if stored in a container with a lid.

Homemade Tomato Sauce: ingredients and procedure

Since preparing the tomato sauce takes some time, I will give you weights and measurements for a sufficient quantity to prepare a few jars, which you can then keep. We will also learn together how to pasteurize the jars after the sauce has been potted, so you can keep them in your pantry for a few months.

You will also need some tools to pass the tomatoes, pot them, and pasteurize them. Do not be afraid; all very simple.

Tomato sauce: ingredients

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare homemade tomato sauce:

  • 6 kg ripe tomatoes (13.5 Lbs)
  • Basil 6/8 sprigs
  • Salt to taste


Below are the equipment to prepare the homemade tomato sauce.

  • A vegetable mill, possibly made of steel
  • 13/14 Jars of 250 gr for storage with a capsule or cap with high fillet
  • A ladle, if you find it oval in shape
  • A large pot with a capacity of at least 12 liters (26 lbs) with its lid
  • A second medium pot, with a capacity of at least 6/8 liters (13/14 Lbs)
Equipment to prepare the homemade tomato sauce | Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make?


Below, I describe step by step the process of making homemade tomato sauce.

  • 1.1 As a first step, you need to wash the tomatoes well in plenty of water.
  • 1.2 Cut the tomatoes into four parts and place them in the large pot.
  • 1.3 Put half the basil on top.
PICTURE 1.3 Tomatoes with basil Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make | process of making homemade tomato sauce
  • 1.4 Put the pot on the fire and over high heat. Let the tomatoes cook until the skin of the tomatoes peels off. It will take at least half an hour.
  • 1.5 Remove the pot from the heat and prepare to pass the tomatoes in the vegetable mill.
  • 1.6 Assemble the vegetable mill with the largest grill, place it on top of the medium pot that is currently empty, pour the tomatoes with a ladle, and gradually pass them. You will see that it will quickly pass the pulp from the vegetable mill to the medium pot.

PHOTOS 1.6 1 It will quickly pass the pulp from the vegetable mill to the medium pot. Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make

1.6 1 It will quickly pass the pulp from the vegetable mill to the medium pot. Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make
  • 1.7 When you have passed everything, pour the tomato into the large pot. Pay close attention to splashes because being still liquid, if you pour too quickly, you’ll dirty the kitchen a lot.
  • 1.8 Put the large pot back on the heat.
  • 1.9 Put the salt.
  • 1.9 Cut the basil thin and put the sauce on top.
1.9 Cut the basil thin and put the sauce on top. 1 Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make
  • 1.10 Let it boil, stirring occasionally until it thickens.
  • 1.11 Remove the pot from the heat, wait a few minutes and start putting the sauce in the jars with the help of a ladle.
  • 1.12 Clean the edge of the jars before putting on the capsule (lid). Screw well and let cool.
1.12 Clean the edge of the jars before putting on the capsule lid. Screw well and let cool. 1 Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make
  • 1.13 Wash all tools. The large pot will serve you to sterilize the jars before putting them in your pantry.
  • 1.14 The next day put the jars in the large pot. Put a cotton cloth or cloth between them to prevent them from touching.
  • 1.15 Turn on the flame and boil. From the moment the water boils, calculate 20 minutes, then turn off the heat and let it cool. Do not remove the pots until the water is at room temperature, this prevents them from undergoing thermal shock. During the boil you will hear a noise, “click” – “click”, all right, the capsules close tightly and let the air escape.
  • 1.16 Now that the water is cold you can remove the jars, dry them, put a label with the date you prepared it and finally you can put the jars in your pantry. I recommend keeping it cool, in a dry environment and, if possible, in the dark.

1.16 Pour the tomatoes with a ladle and gradually pass them. You will see that it will quickly pass the pulp from the vegetable mill to the medium pot. 1 Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make

1,16 Put a label with the date you prepared it. You can put the jars in your pantry 1 Homemade salsa recipe tomato sauce how to make

Here, you can see the labels I chose. You can obviously decide which ones you like the most and that match your pantry.

Amazon Labels Sponsored Link #

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Now that we have prepared a delicious sauce, you can prepare good pasta with tomato sauce, whether spaghetti, tagliatelle, or short pasta.

If you add a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and a little oregano to the sauce we made together, you can use it to season pizza if you want to prepare it at home. You have so many recipes available to be able to use the sauce we just made. I leave the choice to you. Good food… Aunt Cla

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