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Delicious & Traditional Spanish cake Roscon de Reyes recipe easy in English

Delicious & Traditional Spanish cake: Roscon de Reyes recipe easy in English

Delicious & Traditional Spanish cake: Roscon de Reyes recipe easy in English. – The 6th of January is a very important holiday in Spain. In fact, already on the afternoon of January 5, the streets of the main cities in Spain are filled with people who want to “receive” the Three Wise Men who arrive on horseback. In this parade, the majesties, accompanied by royal pages, hand out sweets to the children. It can be said that it is like “a cherry on the cake” this holiday in Spain and in many Latin American countries, the last day of a festive period.

Obviously, there are also respectable traditions in the kitchen, the most delicious is undoubtedly the “Roscòn de Reyes”, a doughnut made of leavened dough garnished with sugar, and fresh and/or candied fruit. Inside, a surprise steeped in history.

Curiosities of Roscón de Reyes

The origin of this delicious dessert dates back to the period when, in Roman times, slaves celebrated the end of a period of hard work, the birth of a period of light. In this era they began to prepare doughnuts and a dried bean was “hidden” in them, as a symbol of good luck, the one who found it was the King of Kings, for the entire period of the Saturnalia he was to be considered free from slavery.

For some, the historical holiday has changed many times to become a religious holiday. A coin replaced the dried bean hidden in the Roscòn, but the one who found it was the unlucky one, he had to pay the bill, or the price of the Roscòn itself. In our time, the surprise has turned into a delicious cream filling or fluffy whipped cream. Some still hide an almond, a small toy for children, a small object, this creates expectations and joy in the little ones who attribute positive and fun meanings to this tradition.

Do we want to try to prepare it together?

Roscón de Reyes Recipe

It is true that to some people leavened doughs may seem difficult to prepare, but if you follow the recipe step by step you will see it is not difficult, in fact it will be easy and the result will really please everyone. Start


Here are the ingredients.

Ingredients for the dough

  • Manitoba flour 200 gr (1 CUP + 1/4)
  • Type 1 flour 140 gr (1 CUP)
  • Fresh brewer’s yeast 15 gr (1 Tbsp)
  • Sugar 60 gr (1/4 CUP)
  • Soft butter 60 gr (1/4 CUP)
  • Whole egg 1
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Grated untreated orange zest

To garnish

  • Candied cherries 6/8
  • Fresh or candied orange 3 slices
  • Granulated sugar

For brushing

  • 1 egg yolk
  • Milk 2 tbsp

For filling

  • Whipping cream 250 ml
  • Powdered sugar 2 tbsp

Preparation Recipe Video

Here is the video of the recipe:

Delicious & Traditional Spanish cake: Roscon de Reyes recipe easy in English

Preparation steps

  • Dissolve the yeast in warm milk
  • Add sugar, orange zest
  • Add the whole egg and yolk
  • Put the flours in the bowl of a stand mixer
  • Add the milk with yeast prepared before
  • Operate the Stand Mixer to obtain a homogeneous dough
  • Without turning off the mixer, add the butter in small pieces
  • Continue to knead for at least 10/15 minutes at moderate speed so that the butter mixes well.
  • Put the dough on a cutting board, shape it into a ball
  • Place it back in the bowl of the stand mixer where you removed the hook
  • Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, a tea towel and let it rise for 3/4 hours
  • After this time, place the dough on a floured wooden board
  • Drill a hole in the center with your fingers to form a donut
  • Place the donut in a buttered and floured pan or covered with parchment paper
  • In the center you can put a floured and buttered steel glass so the hole in the center will remain well defined
  • Prepare an egg yolk and two tablespoons of milk, mix them with the pastry brush and brush the Roscòn
  • Garnish with candied cherries and orange slices
  • A little granulated sugar
  • If you want you can hide an almond or two too, whoever finds them will be the King of your party
  • Let it rise for another hour
  • Bake in the oven at 180° for 30/35 minutes
  • When it is golden, remove it from the oven and let it cool
  • The Roscòn is ready, as soon as it is cold you can fill it with whipped cream.

Here’s your Spanish dessert to end the festive days on a high note. Good food at Zia Cla’s

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