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Italy Piacenza things to do in the city & near Piacenza

Italy Piacenza things to do in the city near Piacenza 1

Italy Piacenza things to do in the city near Piacenza 1

Italy Piacenza things to do in the city & near Piacenza. What are the best things to see in Piacenza?

When you arrive in Piacenza, the most impressive thing you can see are the city walls. There is also a pedestrian street on the city walls where you can take a walk.

The best thing you can see in the city center is Piazza dei Cavalli.

Piazza dei Cavalli

Piazza dei Cavalli has been the most important political-economic center of the city for a very long time; more precisely, it has been since the 13th century. The Palazzo Pubblico, traditionally called Gothic, dominates this square.

Piacenza Italy things to do: visit Piazza dei Cavalli

In front of the Gothic Palace, another building: the Governor’s Palace built in 1787. To make this square even more beautiful and important there are two equestrian statues on both sides of the square.

The statue in a more central position in the square represents Alessandro Farnese (1545-1692). Alessandro Farnese was the duke of Parma and Piacenza and was famous for his leadership skills in the war of Flanders at the end of the 16th century.

The monument representing Alessandro Farnese is a Baroque built between 1622 and 1625. The beautiful bas-reliefs made in 1628 and placed on the sides of the base depict scenes of the siege of Antwerp on the left, while on the right, the meeting of Alexander with the ambassadors of Elizabeth I of England.

Piacenza things to do near Piacenza

Piacenza is a nice city to visit, but it is not the only thing to see in the area. There are a few towns not to be missed.

Visit the following Middle Age Villages:

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Things to do near Piacenza

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