Yes, it is. You can visit the Parthenon when you visit the Acropolis.
How much does it cost to visit the Parthenon in Greece?
When you by the ticket you pay not only for the Parthenon but for all the Acropolis. The entrance ticket is 20 euros but during the winter season between the 1st November and 31th March the ticket is reduced to 10 euros.
You can also buy a combined ticket for 30 Euros that includes:
- the Acropolis and its Slopes
- the Ancient Agora
- The Roman Agora
- Hadrians’s library
- Olympieion
- Kerameikos
- Aristotele’s Lykeion
The combined ticket is valid for 5 days.

Can you go inside the Parthenon?
No, you can’t go inside the Parthenon. The Parthenon area is surrounded by a division that doesn’t let you enter inside. Anyway you can walk all around the temple.
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